
2014-08-30 12:26 am
During a recent family night at Chenery Park Joseph Kowal, an owner, roamed among the regulars, saying hello and playing parental ally.


回答 (3)

2014-08-30 3:20 pm
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During a recent family night at Chenery Park, Joseph Kowal, an owner, roamed among the regulars and newcomers, saying hello and occasionally playing parental ally.

2014-08-30 07:20:58 補充:
During a recent family night at Chenery Park Joseph Kowal, an owner, roamed among the regulars, saying hello and playing parental ally.
Chenery Park 餐廳最近一次家庭晚會上,一位名為 Joseph Kowal(約瑟夫·科瓦爾) 的東主,與晚會常客打成一片,招呼問候及不時扮演家長伙伴的角色。

During a recent family night at Chenery Park, Joseph Kowal, an owner, roamed among the regulars and newcomers, saying hello and occasionally playing parental ally.

2014-08-30 11:37:28 補充:
Chenery Park is the name of a family restaurant.
2014-08-30 8:33 am
最近一次在Chenery公園舉行的家庭晚會上,一個名為 約瑟夫·科瓦爾 的業主,穿梭漫遊于晚會常客之間,向各父母打招呼,表示友好聯盟。
2014-08-30 2:17 am
ally=親蜜親密朋友鄰友也 !

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