to me和for me 的差別

2014-08-29 5:39 pm
this is easy for me
this is easy to me
這兩句有甚麼差別? 都不是翻譯成這是簡單對我來說
我也問過很多類似問題 可是還是不太懂 很多句子裡有to me for me
完全不知道要用to正確呢? 還適用for正確呢? 能幫我簡單說明嗎?

回答 (6)

2014-08-29 7:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
為理解"for me" 和 "to me" 之間的差別,你需要知道"to" 和 "for" 的基本含義: "to" 表明方向, "to me" 只是對我自己 "for" 表明收到東西或得到它的好處, "for me" 表明我收到東西或得到它的好處(它可能是你周圍人的意見或認為) 例如: It is important to me to dress well. 穿著體面"對我自己"是很重要的 It is important for me to dress well 穿著體面 "對我來說" (可能是你周圍人的意見或認為)是很重要的.

2014-08-29 12:14:44 補充:
The second example might not be as clear, take a look at the following:

I've brought a glass of water for you.

The above example is NOT a good idea to use "to you". (because you receive it)

2014-08-29 12:17:09 補充:
However, this sentence:

I have sent a package to you.

you will use "to you", because it indicates "direction".

2014-08-29 12:20:12 補充:
Your own example:

It is easy for me. (可能是你周圍的人認為)對我來說是簡單的.
It is easy to me. 我自己認為是簡單的.

2014-08-29 12:33:59 補充:

2014-08-29 12:42:59 補充:

To display my being rich, it is important for me to dress well. (自以為是)
To be interviewed tomorrow, it is important for me to dress well. (可能是周圍人的意見使自己認為如此)
2014-08-30 6:51 pm
for me:我確實有此能力
to me:我未有十足把握
2014-08-30 3:43 am
For me 和 to me 一般來講當然有所不同, 但是這兩句意思是一樣的,文法也都正確。

兩者都可以翻成 “這對我來講很簡單。

to me 是指我的想法, 覺得它很簡單
for me 是指以我的能力而言它很簡單。
2014-08-29 7:53 pm
他是 google翻譯老師.

2014-08-29 12:07:02 補充:
『It is important for me to dress well
穿著體面 "對我來說" (可能是你周圍人的意見或認為)是很重要的.』
DSG 你跟我一樣, 為了要讓這個句子語意更完整, 而"很自然地"把 to dress well 加到 it is important for me 來解釋 for me 的意思.
忘了, it is important for me to dress well 指的是
It is important that I dress well.

2014-08-29 12:12:35 補充:
其實我大概猜得到版主關於 for me 和 to me 到底是要問什麼.
答案是 to me.

for me 是很多人誤用的講法, 要表達的其實是 to me 的意思, 可是不確定介係詞該用什麼, 就會誤用成 for me.

而且就算是講成 for me, 大部分的情況整體要表達的意思也很接近, 只是聽起來比較不自然.

2014-08-29 12:15:12 補充:
For me 有一點像是 As far as I am concern, 或是 If you ask me, ... 那種感覺.
放在句首比較常見. 放在句中很容易因為後面不定詞的關係, 就變成行為者的意思.

2014-08-29 12:33:43 補充:
It is easy to you, but not easy to me.
It is easy for you to say that.
It is not easy for me to understand.

如果你講 It is easy for you, 我可能會期望聽到你接著說 to do what.

2014-08-29 12:42:21 補充:
當然, 如果你講到 It is easy for you. 就停了. 我也能理解你的意思是: For you, it is easy. 或, As far as you are concerned, it is easy (to you). 因為前面已經說了是 for you, it is easy. (to you)省略的結果當然是 it is easy to you.
2014-08-29 7:15 pm
蘇庭,對不起,我有點好奇。您本身是英文老師? 還是答案來自你的英文老師?
2014-08-29 6:03 pm
this is easy for me
this is easy to me
參考: 英文老師

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