In Hell people are tormented but are the persons being tormented alive or dead in hell?

2014-08-28 10:40 pm
I do believe in the bible and in Christ and I was just also wondering don't you have to be alive in hell to feel the torment?

回答 (4)

2014-08-28 11:03 pm
Congratulations on finding one of the MANY flaws of logic and justice in the Bible.

Now let's see how many more of the hundreds (if not thousands) of others you can find.
2014-08-29 4:43 am
2014-08-29 1:33 am
your torment any ways
live or dead each dimeation
2014-08-28 10:48 pm
If you REALLY believe in damnation in salvation, then the idea of someones soul surviving to be punished for eternity should be a hard one to swallow. I think the Bible says that people's souls survive in hell or heaven, depending on their actions on Earth. I'm a non-believer, and that is just my $0.02.

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