That is no chance

2014-08-29 7:42 am
That is no chance that i can do it
不是應該解(這是沒有機會, 我可以做到)

回答 (5)

2014-08-29 3:04 pm
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example: I think that she is right. 我想她是對的;
換另一說法,"that"將"I think"同"she is right"連起,"我所想的",就是"她是對的".
你的句子:That is no chance that i can do it,
就可說成:"that"將"That is no chance"同" i can do it"連起,"這是沒有機會的",而"這沒有機會的"就是指"我可以做到"。

2014-08-30 08:04:28 補充:
註:我只是重點解釋that-clause在這句子。至於頭一段"That is no chance",我同意'本週之星'說的,通常用there is no chance
2014-08-30 2:57 am
i think u'd better write 'There is no way that I can do it.'

or 'I cant do it for sure'

'It's impossible for me to do it'
2014-08-29 3:41 pm
好少咁寫,通常用there is no chance that i can do,或者that 's not the way i do 。
2014-08-29 12:19 pm
That is no chance that I can do it.
根據以上的英句子似乎詞不達意,可能它的意思是指雖然沒有機會但是我仍然要嘗試. 所以可以將它改為."Though there may be no chance but I will try to do it.
參考: Myself
2014-08-29 11:41 am
那個 that 的後部是形容前部的,不是兩句分別的意思。

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