本人想讀日本音樂系大學 20分

2014-08-29 4:49 am
本人18歲讀完中四退左學 現在讀緊HITDC 酒店營運證書課程...但發覺讀到書...又有8級小提琴 又鍾意日本 所以想去讀日本讀音樂系大學 我應該點做 準備啲咩 如果考試考啲咩科 點行條路比較好 PLS 畀啲意見

回答 (2)

2014-08-30 10:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Simple - you are not qualified at all.

The minimum (at the least) for higher education in any countries is secondary school completion, which clearly you don't have.

Although institutions can be liberal in accepting other qualifications, the HITDC certificate is an uncertainty.

In short, unless you take HKDSE and pass (the fastest way), there is no way for your advancement.
2014-08-29 11:33 pm

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