
2014-08-28 12:34 am
我剛在HKUST畢業,取得BBA (Management) First Honour。已報澳洲Bachelor of Nutrition & Dietetics,並獲University of Newcastle與QUT取錄,明年二月開課。

1. 註冊營養師在港、在澳前景好嗎?我不希望從事銷售工作,在這兩地易找相關工作?
2. 香港HA & Department of Health容易請人嗎?
3. 26歲畢業會影響就業?還是應該現在直接找grad job?(當初因AL成績不理想才進BBA,但不太介意office work)


我希望知道exactly前景、employment rate,已經做了不少research,HKDA、DAA、joboutlook.gov.au的網頁都看過了,因此希望各位分享行情和實際工作、供求狀況 :)

回答 (1)

2014-08-28 12:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Dietitian has a better future in Australia rather than Hong Kong, due to the popularity of dietitians.

Hong Kong is still at its early stage.

2. In this case, yes. As Hong Kong does not professionally recognize dietitian:


Public agencies have no choice but to rely on foreign accreditation to select suitable candidates.

Since both the program you choose are recognized by DAA:


Your chance is better than those finishing HKU SPACE program.

3. No comment.

Why don't I put it this way - if you intend to immigrate to Australia, then you are doing exactly what you are supposed to do.

Otherwise, since there are too many variables, it is difficult to say what choices is best for you.

2014-08-27 18:44:51 補充:
Good luck finding a dietitian here.

It may be easier if you simply go to a hospital.

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