
2014-08-27 10:43 pm

回答 (3)

2014-08-28 11:50 am
To whom it may concerned
We, the so and so company, are grateful to the help of our staff and that had made our business kept pace with the worldwide development. As a matter of fact, we are now facing some financial problems and have to lay off some of our staff; but that was not permanently and hoped that'll not affect yours to such considerable extent, also we assumed that'll be accepted by you if there is no reply after fourteen days. Moreover, we will inform you as soon as our financial problems being over. At length, your kind consideration and co-operation in this matter would be deeply appreciated. Many thanks.
Yours faithfully'
Name and title
參考: Partly according to the Dictionary
2014-08-27 11:49 pm
樓主, 你好.

我見到已經有人係上面俾左格式你. 但我睇到你寫左下面呢句, 想俾少少個人意見你:



個人推測你是想提出單方面的停薪留職, 相信果個僱員並唔同意你提出的方案.
可能樓主你睇太多電視劇啦, 根據勞工法例, 僱主是無權單方面提出停薪留職, 必須雙方同意先得.

你一定要佢簽左先得, 否則佢放完假番公司問你攞番放假時的人工, 你就大鑊.
佢去勞工處到告你, 理據就會是: 我一直放緊有薪假期,(如果係sales 仲慘, 唔番公司唔等於冇番工) , 因為我冇番工, 公司冇話我曠工, 我亦從來唔知道(或唔同意) 果份停薪留職信.

總結: 一定要佢簽名, 寫日期. // 寫多句:XX日開始停薪留職, 直至另行通知.

如果佢唔簽, 你就唔好省果少少錢, 炒左佢啦, 好過你日後一身蟻.
2014-08-27 11:32 pm
Leave without pay
Company due to the current situation (including their personal reasons) is recommended by XXXX XX XX began a leave of absence
After receiving this letter if no reply within 14 days, will be deemed to have accepted and agreed to implement.

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