地產代理是否有責任知道村屋是否齊契 ?

2014-08-27 6:46 pm
如題,買方銀行按揭已批出,律師樓發現未齊契,地政署又 reject賣方申請「側窗紙」原因是村屋打開窗後超越了別人的地權,律師建議取消買賣...

小弟想知道地產代理是否有責任知道該村屋是否齊契才進行銷售 ?


回答 (3)

2014-08-27 7:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2014-08-27 8:10 pm
2014-08-27 7:30 pm
The answer is no.

The saleperson does not have any responsibilities. The salesperson is not a legal professional. There is no way for the salesperson to know if the document is proper for transactions.

In this instance, the salesperson's responsibility is to confirm ownership and disclose any adversary information available to the salesperson (such as liens filed against the properties).

On the other hand, since the salesperson is not responsible and not at fault, the salesperson is entitled for the full commission despite the possible cancellation of the transaction.

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