Do scientists form conclusions and theories based on evidence and logic?

2014-08-27 1:36 am

回答 (8)

2014-08-27 8:56 am
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Yes, absolutely. They observe things, come up with hypotheses to explain them, and test them with experiments. They form conclusions based on experimental and observational evidence.

There's also quite a bit of work that goes on with statistics to make sense of what the evidence says, what evidence counts as significant, and so forth.
2014-08-27 9:13 am
And here I was thinking I was the last one keeping the SWAG alive! Thumbs up to L.E.Gant. It takes a good deal for a SWAG to become a hypothesis, and very, very much more before you can come to a conclusion that you can somewhat believe.
2014-08-27 8:41 am
No. Or at least, not directly.

Evidence (observations, measurements, etc.) are verification and confirmation of theories and hypotheses, or how a hypothesis becomes a theory. Without the verification/confirmation, there are only SWAGs and WAGs

Logic is used to help make a SWAG (Scientific Wild-Arsed Guess) from existing observations, measurements and conclusions that are already verified.
2014-08-27 8:10 pm
that is the way things are supposed to work, yes. Of course, scientists are humans and can be self-deluding, just as any human individual can be.
2014-08-28 12:29 pm
If you're a true scientist, yes.
2014-08-27 3:20 pm
Almost entirely, scientists who successfully enable innovation are motivated by and large of inexplicative phenomena most would find it exceedingly disturbing to have revealed in detail. Most live to admit it spirituality claimanting.

Some simply find what cannot be denied but by everyone else and determine it is their's there to say something. I suppose contusions and terrors are close to conclusions and theories for easy reference on the overcoming of risking one's face and pride for the sake of truth.

Einstein denied light was simply energy transmitting because as a child, when his folks were still up and light from the living-room shined thru the wee crack twixt his bedroom door and jamb, the shadow thereon, upon his floor, ought then be sharp and crisply edged...yet it was fuzzy and dispersed like a spray. What spirit!
2014-08-27 8:49 am
The good ones do...
2014-08-27 8:45 am
We should. Let's just say that you can't form a conclusion or theory without them. Well, you could jump to a conclusion but nobody would accept it.

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