how to get a high pitched singing voice for male?

2014-08-26 10:24 pm
i like listening to female opera, and it always makes me want to be able to sing it, i can do good in the lower section from D2 to F3, and the highest note i can produce comfortably(not screaming) is A4. but when i sing in my higher voice, it really sounds like a male trying to squeeze out the higher notes , and not a person singing high notes, so;
is there ways to improve my voice so that i can sing comfortably for the trebles?

回答 (2)

2014-08-27 12:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Depends on your age and maturity of larynx and as we don't know that we can not help you with technique. If you are about 24 or so you can be taught how to use cranial resonance which is how a mature male sings their high notes and that is called "Falsetto" or false voice.
參考: voice coach
2014-08-27 9:05 am

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