破產與贍養費之疑問(請求cecimak 協助)

2014-08-25 9:46 pm
朋友A先生,於2013年,當初因急於離婚或不了解法律知識的情形之下,和妻子在已經分居1年的情形之下,辦理離婚手續。雙方只有一子,但是當時都同意子女跟女方生活 ,且雙方在沒有財產爭坳 。男方雖然收入不算少,(當初每月有將近12000元。現在16000元) 但是A先生不想在拖拉下去,在第二次上庭時,竟然全部答應女方的所有要求,給與兒子贍養費共6,000元和學習費用(學習費用與前妻一人一半)。 其實A先生根本就負擔不了,所以自法庭頒令之後基本上就是借貸度日至今,已破產。

因法官頒下命令兒子的撫養權和管養權都歸A先生的前妻,但是A先生的前妻完全不理會A先生能否負擔兒子學習費用就選擇比較昂貴的學校, A先生的前妻表示因法官頒下命令兒子的撫養權和管養權都歸A先生的前妻所以A先生只可付款沒有其他選擇。

如A先生的前妻不理會A先生能否負擔兒子學習費用就選擇比較昂貴的學校,而A先生根本就負擔不了, A先生對選擇學校可以做些什麼?

A先生可否向A先生的前妻要求提供繳付學費之收據/證明, 如A先生的前妻不肯提供就不付款?



1 - "學習費用之定義?"點解我會有呢個疑問, 係因為佢連買鞋買校服都仲要再加落去,所以想問清楚少少. 同埋如果將來佢話要學大提琴,$500/一小時,都要比?? 佢話要讀喇沙/國際學校,又要比?? 2 - 咁即係如果去申請更改為共同管養權和減少贍養費嘅勝算有多少? 詳細又是如何申請法呢? 3 - 言下之意, 法律就是就算你窮到連生活都成問題都要滿足佢嘅要求,咁就唔係逃避責任?? 4 - 如A先生的前妻再婚,子女贍養費是否要Keep住比? 有太多的問題不明白。懇請有心人能夠詳細作答。感激之至!!


小朋友現在兩歲幾 A先生的前妻要求,如果要探望小朋友佢(A先生的前妻)一定要在場,但A先生不願意, 所以兩年來都未能探望小朋友, 這樣要求合理嗎? A先生的前妻這樣不算剝削,A先生作為父親的權利嗎?




請問如舉報A先生的前妻,濫用公屋和離婚時向法庭虛報地址對A先生爭取撫養權有幫助嗎? 勝算會提高嗎?

回答 (2)

2014-08-26 11:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes regardless. The issue is maintenance order is a form of court order.

Failure to comply can result contempt of the court.

2. In any cases, you can petition to the court for a review. The main issue is the chance of success.

In order to do so, you will have to file a originating summon with the same court issuing the order. Your cost depends on the case itself. At the least, you will be liable for the court fee. Then if you use a lawyer, then your legal fee. Last, if you lose, you may be liable for the Respondent's legal fee.

3. A lawyer is not required. But most people will hire one.

Learning cost means learning cost (don't think too complicated).

4. Nothing - as your ex-wife has the full custody, unless what she attempt to do impact your visitation rights, you basically have no right to challenge (or even say anything).

5. Legally, yes. Morally, no.

6. No - based on your information, the maintenance order imposed by the court does not seem to be an order for actual reimbursement.

7. No - it will based on the affordability of the payor.

Simply saying - bankruptcy alone is a compelling reason for the court to revisiting the issue. However, based on your approach (the way how you asked the questions), it does not look good at all (as you sound you are evading responsibilities).

So you should think again what you are about to do.

2014-08-26 15:01:18 補充:
I assume you are A's new wife.

1. Unfortunately, the ex-wife has the full custody. The father pretty much has no say unless a court order allows otherwise.

(In this case, A's sole responsibility is making payment.)

2014-08-26 15:04:20 補充:
2. 100% success for reducing maintanence. Due to bankruptcy, the court has no choice but to take consideration of debt repayment.

So the maintanence will be reduce. The issue is how much reduction.

2014-08-26 15:08:05 補充:
Less than 50% chance of success for the custody. Again - the bankruptcy is what makes this worse without a fight.

2014-08-26 15:09:11 補充:
3. Unfortunately - your understanding is correct perfectly.

Being poor is not a reason of stealing.

2014-08-26 15:13:00 補充:
Continued at here;

4. Yes - the martial status of the ex-wife is never relevant.

5. Yes - unless the court has ordered visitation rights.

6. Yes - as the legal guardian, the ex-wife has sole right to protect the child.

2014-08-26 16:00:18 補充:
Discuss with the Official Receiver before taking any actions (as the change can impact the repayment).

Other than that, you are good to go.

2014-08-27 11:21:26 補充:
1. No, unless the abuse of public housing is serious enough to result imprisonment.

The use of fake address is not a matter at all as the father basically consent everything. In other word, uncontested divorce.

2. No - it will make it worse about the father's impression to the court.

2014-08-27 11:22:29 補充:
In summary, in this case, if I was the father, I would attempt to lower the maintanence and request visitation rights first.

It takes times.
2014-08-26 6:22 am
破產$14800公價 加幾百蚊雜費,贍養費有朋友離婚幾千蚊。

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