What time do you run a 5K in?

2014-08-25 3:30 am
I have been training and my 5K times are getting slower. I wonder if it's because the weather is so hot and humid now. Anyway, just wondering what most people run a 5K race in. Let me know your times!

回答 (6)

2014-08-26 4:10 am
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As someone who can potentially run 16 in the 5k, you need to understand that there are many factors; weather, feeling, and sometimes bad mental! Controlling these here said events will give way on your time. To beat these, you need to drink water, maybe eat a banana, and a bagel never hurts if you are hungry. Know your pace as well. Pacing yourself can give way on how you are running because it suggests if you are running slower or faster before you are done with the race that you are currently in. Get to know your body more as well. Train your mental, and pack on more mileage. Miles believe it or not can change your whole mental, for that you now thank the Lord that the course is just 3.1 miles. When the times start to drop, it becomes not a sprint as some may say, but a very FAST race. Good Luck!
2014-08-26 3:23 am
Heat will slow you done. By as much as 10% per five degrees over 80.
Here is a heat calculator http://runnersconnect.net/training/tools/temperature-calculator/ that may be helpful
2014-08-26 2:46 am
I run a 5k in about 24 minutes, though my goal is 22 minutes by the end of cross country season. Your time might be getting slower because of the weather. Also, you might be overtraining (though I don't know your training plan). Good luck with your running!
2014-08-25 5:37 pm
I used to be able to do it in 27 min. I'm 37 and I can do it in about 32 minutes out doors.
Hot / humid weather can slow you down. Try to run before it gets too hot. If you have to do it wear sunscreen and bring some water with you.
2014-08-25 10:33 am
Generall, the average jogger can run 5K in under 30 minutes, I can't comment what I run though, as I am not a long distance runner.
2014-08-25 4:14 am
I average just under 20 min. in the 5ks I've run.... My best ever was 19:27 and I didn't run as many as I could've/should've this summer lol. Curious, what do you run your 5k's in?

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