Tax question for US citizen as a Canadian permanent resident.?

2014-08-24 5:02 pm
Anyone with experience in this matter?
If say i had a typical low level job in canada as a permanent resident while being a US citizen how much taxes do you have to pay to US?
If i make say 25-30k in canada and my paychecks have taxes taken out for canada, how much at the end of the year would i have to pay to US IRS?
Trying to figure out if staying a house husband is better than working and having taxes destroying what i am making.

回答 (1)

2014-08-25 5:04 pm
as a US citizen you are taxed on world wide income, if you are married to a Canadian citizen, her income is not yours for US tax purposes
and of course as a Canadian employee you will be subject to their taxation as well

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 00:21:22
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