1. 點解(a) 計average force acting on water by rocket 唔洗計埋water既weight? rate of change in momentum只係net force而唔係rocket比 water既force?
2. A is standing in front of a plane mirror
a) A is moving at 1ms^-1 towards the mirror
b) the mirror is moving at 1ms-1 towards A
in each of the above case, find the velocity of the image of A as seen by A as well as an observer
1. 點解same direction 唔洗理weight? F= (mv-mu)/t 呢條式唔係淨係計act on某一樣野既net force? 如果考慮埋weight, average force acting on water by rocket 應該係7.2-weight of water? 我咁樣諗咩錯? thanks!!
sorry我都仲係唔係好明... this doesn't concern with the weight of the water, which is given by gravity/Before the rocket is launched (i.e. when it is still stationary), the weight (of water) has already existed. --> 同唔使考慮weight有咩關係? thanks!!!
http://postimg.org/image/thsyxk6hr/ why do we hv to take weight into account in this question then?