
2014-08-23 10:42 pm
Some of Neil Armstrong's friends have asked him to be more open to the public,but Neil only replies that he desires to have a quiet life and live on a farm with his family.
請問以上句子中replies點解唔係用past tense?

回答 (1)

2014-08-23 10:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. It is used "have asked" in the first sentence, meaning the question has been asked for more than once, and Neil has always provided the same answer, so "replies" is used.

2. It is kind of a fact that Neil does want a quiet life and live on a farm with his family, so present tense is used.
參考: myself

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 16:17:33
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