considering the quadraric equation x^2-x/3=1
Angel uses a more complicated method
...but Jonathan uses a much quicker way. that is multiply both sides by 3.
then they are going to solve another equation:( x^2)/3-2x=3/5
if jonathan uses his own method as stated above, then what should be the first step of his calculation? (我想問個answer係咪兩边都乘15?)
and then try to solve the equation . (個answer係咪3+/-[(3root30)/5]
頭先的是情景題,依家返返黎正常d的 short questions :
solve the quadratic equations(leave the amswer in surd form)
1. (2x-1)^2=4x+3 (個answer係咪1+(root6)/2 但係er model answer 好似唔多似喎。)
2. 3x^2+10x-8=0
仲有想問关於presentation ge……
如果計到出黎係x=0 or x+3=0
我見d examples 寫左final solution. 係x=3
但係model answer 又寫0,3