Quadratic Equationfactormethod

2014-08-21 12:11 pm
1. Explain……
Suppose the quadratic equation x^2-5x+m=0 has integral roots. Peter claims that m must be 6. do u agree with him? explain the answer as well. 唔太清楚integral roots 的意思。雖然查左字典!

2. if the roots of the quadratic equation x^2+kx +24=0 are two integers ,write down all possible values for k.

回答 (3)

2014-08-21 12:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Integral roots 意思是整數根。Not agree.
Let α , β be roots of x² - 5x + m = 0 , then α + β = 5 , α β = m.
Set α = 1 , β = 4 , then m = α β = (1)(4) = 4 , so x² - 5x + 4 = 0 also has integral roots.
2)Let α , β be 2 integral roots of x² + kx + 24 = 0 ,
product of roots = α β = 24 ,
If α = ±1 , β = ±24 , k = α + β = ±25
If α = ± 2 , β = ±12 , k = α + β = ±14
If α =±3 , β = ±8 , k = α + β = ±11
If α =±4 , β = ±6 , k = α + β = ±10
All possible values of k are - 10 , 10 , - 11 , 11 , - 14 , 14 , -25 and 25.

2014-08-21 05:08:15 補充:
k = α + β 應是 - k = α + β , 答案没影響。
2014-08-31 7:41 pm
no.1 not too understand
2014-08-21 12:37 pm
Both questions have the same condition, that is, the two roots are integers.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 22:32:00
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