can I use a pvc pipe in a bin cage?

2014-08-21 7:54 am
I made a bin cage for my future hamster or gerbils and was wondering if I could use pvc pipe to connect another level I made for my bin cage to make it more spacious so my it or they would have more room and more fun. Just in case you're wondering the bin cage is 360 sq inches, although the upper bin is 288 sq inches it will be connected to the other one. But back to the questions, is it safe, or dangerous. If it is, what can I use instead?

Also, I'm planning on going bigger and adding more bins, I just want to have a home that would be comfortable and safe or the time being. Also I heard that critter trail pipes may be an option.

回答 (2)

2014-08-21 9:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, sure, plastic cages and component are common in manufacturing hamster cages or wheels. But beware of the ventilation problem.

You can also make use of wood and metal to build the cage.
2014-08-26 3:56 am
Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it.

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