Why do I have to believe in God?

2014-08-21 5:12 am

回答 (27)

2014-08-21 5:13 am
Why do I have to believe in God? Because of eternal punishment?

Okay, well I don't believe in Unicorns...

....but guess what? The shadow unicorn is gonna come down from the bad rainbow and beat me senseless with her hooves.

I also don't believe in aliens...

... but I just found out that since I don't believe in aliens, then they are going to come in my room late at night, abduct me and perform horrid medical experiments on me.... without any anesthesia or painkillers....

Do you guys kind see the really ridiculous in these cases?
Atheists am I right in this?
2014-08-21 5:17 am
You don't.

Also, you don't believe in unicorns????!!!!
You just made Rarity very sad
2014-08-21 1:34 pm
You do not have to!

The only way primitive religion exists today is through the child abuse of forcing it into very, very young children but thanks to better education and growing intellects so many teens are able to discover the truth, throw off the indoctrination and step into the real world!

People who claim they believe in god are simply prisoners of their programming!
2014-08-21 6:03 am
because religon is all a lie
2014-08-21 5:30 am
There is NO law that says you must.
2014-08-21 5:17 am
You DON'T! There is no god and you don't have to believe in one. It's a waste of your time and an insult to our intellect.

There is great freedom in refusing to fall for the stupid lies that religions foist on innocent people. Free yourself from those shackles!

Lady Morgana
2014-08-21 5:14 am
You say that as if there's a way of making yourself; as if belief is a choice. It isn't and never will be. And unless you live in an Islamic state, there;s no reason the pretend that you do!
2014-08-21 5:14 am
you don't
2014-08-23 2:10 pm
You don't.

Also, you don't believe in unicorns????!!!!
You just made Rarity very sad
2014-08-22 11:52 pm
You don't. Whoever is trying to make you believe in God is abusing you and is somebody you want to stay away from.
2014-08-22 4:24 pm
You dont HAVE to. No one can make you.
Just like you dont have to love your family or be careful around fire or tell the truth or obey the speed limit or be grateful to others when they are kind or get a job.
You dont have to do any of those things. But life is better if you do:)
2014-08-21 8:52 pm
Millions of people don't. You don't have to either.
2014-08-21 10:51 am
Don't you just have to love the naively of the religious nutters. They just put their life in the hands of a god like figure , no different than a magician pulling rabbits out of a bag, and saying look this is your earth go forth and populate the world. Why would they believe this rubbish.
2014-08-21 6:43 am
I mean if you dont believe in Heaven and Hell then idk where your mind is. God created you, formed you, placed you in your mothers womb. You think you were put into this world by accident? You think you were made my humans? Or aliens, or something else? Like where is your head seriously. Dont you ever wonder whats going to happen to you some day when you die? Well when that day comes you are going to stand face to face in front of God and he is going to judge you on the way you lived your life and if you didnt believe in him you know hes not going to say hey why dont you come spend the rest of eternity in heaven with me and my fellow saints, no hes going to say i cast you away with all the other demons who didnt believe in me and lived a selfish life. Believing in God is a choice, but for people who dont believe, one day He is coming back to judge the world and everyone better be ready. Its not gonna be fun in Hell just saying.
2014-08-21 6:16 am
You don't have to, but it will be wise if you did cause he is the one who made us, and has all power over us. He is our God, and the creator of all things. Big and small, he made them all.
2014-08-21 5:59 am
because god says you have to
2014-08-21 5:27 am
You don't have to believe in fairy tales anymore than the next person. Those who prefer ignorance over intelligence though will tell you that you have to believe in him. But you don't have to listen to them.
2014-08-21 5:25 am
Im not very religious, and I know a few people who are not religious at all, and some who are very religious. Your given choice, if you choose not to believe in god, and that he doesnt exist, well ok, if you choose to believe him, well ok. Its like chocolate and vanilla, if you choose vanilla over chocolate, well ok, you prefer vanilla, cool. I prefer chocolate. Thats it. Its not like, because you dont like chocolate or believe its not a real icecream flavor, that im going to come down with a thousand boxes of chocolate and shove chocolate down your throat...

Same idea with religion and god, if you dont believe in him, ok, thats cool, hes not going to punish you for life, because he cant take one persons opinion on him. How many times do you think he hears "dam you god", "god dam it", "forget god", "its all fake", etc etc... Probably over a thousend times a minute, all over the planet, at a certain point, you dont have feelings towards it, you another person who doesnt believe in him, if you where in his seat, im sure you really wouldnt care at that point, hearing it over and over every day for billions of years, ever since man was created...

Im not saying god wont care about you if you choose not to believe in him he still will, he will still bless you, and he will still try and guide you in the right way in life, but god is like a stop sign. Its your choice to acknowledge it and follow it, or just go right past it. The law says you have to stop at a stop sign, but your in control of your car, you can choose if you WANT to stop or not... Same with god, hes not forcing you to believe in him, you choose if you WANT to or not, and regardless of your decision, hes not going to punish you for that.
All that means is, if you dont believe there is a heaven, and when you die, you find out there is, your just probably not going to be going there.

But I donno, im not god, im not jesus, I dont know what happens when you die, I dont know if theres a heaver or a hell, to be honest, half the time, im not even sure if what we see every day on earth is real, im not sure stars and other planets exist, im not even fully convinced theres a "space", theres a lot I dont believe, and im sure theres a lot you dont either, and just like you wont be able to convince me theres a space and stars and planets, and what where breathing is air, or oxygen, I wont be able to convince you that theres a man who has come here to save us all, and who helps us and protects us everyday. Its just simply your choice, and thats fine. Nobody cares if you choose vanilla over chocolate. Not even the chocolate lovers, not even the one who made the chocolate flavor in existence. All im saying.
2014-08-21 5:23 am
You have to believe what you believe. Truth is God's signature.
You cannot believe what you cannot believe, any more than God could make an object too heavy for Her to lift. It would be a logical contradiction.
2014-08-21 5:21 am
God of Einstein is the universe, so it's 100% proven to exist. I the LORD say it is so.
2014-08-21 5:19 am
To be blunt. You don't.
2014-08-21 5:18 am
You do not have to
2014-08-21 5:17 am
you do not..... The Word and Will of God is not to be imposed upon anyone not already in willing submission to Him........ but if you want to avoid death.... I strongly recommend that you seek to come to God in The Way He prescribes.... because unless you do.... you only have death to look forward to
2014-08-21 5:16 am
2014-08-21 5:15 am
You don't have to. Unless you live in one of those theocracies like Iran. Do you? Do you live in Iran? If not, and you do in fact live in a country founded on freedom of worship (or lack thereof) then there isn't a problem.
2014-08-21 5:13 am
Lwjat? More info plz
2014-08-21 5:23 am
Because He EXISTS.

Men cannot say they do not know about God. From the beginning of the world, men could see what God is like through the things He has made. This shows His power that lasts forever. It shows that He is God. (Romans 1:20)

MARANATHA! Come, Lord Jesus, COME!

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