Pisces Moon people do we have all of the signs in us? I'm a Pisces Moon?

2014-08-21 12:50 am

回答 (2)

2014-08-21 10:29 pm
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Yes, Bravo Enrik. The Moon - our most personal of planets, the heart of the chart is curiously-placed in Pisces -- the sign which rules the collective. So Pisces Moon's can tend to feel it all -- and feel for the group, pick up on other's energy, have an emotional bandwidth that taps into much more than their own "selfish" personal experience. This can be a gift and their own undoing. They must figure out where they end and another begins -- a life rooted in a strong spiritual practice or the artistic channel can nourish this and help them use this sensitive placement for the best,

2014-08-21 7:06 am
Bruh... what do you mean? Pisces is the last sign but that means we encompass the wisdom of the previous signs. HOWEVER, we are NOT the previous signs. Look at aspects for clues at how your Pisces moon functions. If you feel a change in emotions, look at the progressed moon and transits.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:46:39
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