What is the one food/meal you are sick of right now but love?

2014-08-19 10:49 pm

italian food and chinese. I've been eating them alot lately.

回答 (7)

2014-08-19 10:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hot dogs
I've eaten too many bees past few days
2014-08-22 1:24 pm
I am kind of dieting lately and I don't think I would turn ANYTHING down.....even a peanut butter sandwich.......yummy!!!!!!!!!!
2014-08-20 5:56 pm
2014-08-20 9:37 am
Turkey Tetrazinni
2014-08-20 8:33 am
Deviled Eggs.
2014-08-20 5:56 am
Pizza and lasagna
2014-08-20 5:50 am

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