
2014-08-19 6:35 am
Tom 係早上九點開始洗碟一直洗到九點五十分,之後休息,係九點五十五分再開始
洗碟,咁係九點五十五分講"Tom is washing dishes now."有無問題。

回答 (5)

2014-08-20 12:51 am
9:00--9:50 am---washing dishes
9:50-9:55 am----break time between
9:55 am------washing again
The present perfect tense,though indicates an action took place in the past, is associated with the present idea of Now,
eg:-Tom has started washing (gerund) dishes at 9:00 am.
For an action just concluded when the second resulting state of washing is still present,
eg:-Tom has started washing dishes again at 9:55 am
From Mary, an arbitrary observer point of view, there are many ways to speak at the speaking time;
However, the present perfect continuous tense should be used.It is used to express the duration of an action up to the present,suggesting the (washing) action continuing at time of speaking=speaking time,The (washing) may continue into the future;
eg:-Tom has been washing dishes from 9:00--9;55,despite a break time between.
2014-08-20 12:32 am
"Tom is washing dishes now."is correct when you say it on 9:55
2014-08-19 7:42 pm
At 9:55, Tom is washing dishes now.

參考: Me - studed + worked in England for 17 years
2014-08-19 6:39 pm
The TENSE is indeed correct....
but I think you need to add "THE" before the word "dishes".

There are many ways of saying this actually.
-Tom is washing the dishes now.
-Tom has just started washing the dishes again.
-Tom is doing the washing-up (now).

Hope this helps!
參考: me
2014-08-19 9:21 am
無問題 only if you answer a question of "what is Tom doing now?"

If you want to report the situation precisely as an observer, you have to say:

Tom has started washing the dishes again.

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