詢問一d英文tense 問題

2014-08-17 9:19 pm
我由早上九點開始寫信直至十一點半,咁係十一點四十五分講"I just wrote letters."

回答 (3)

2014-08-17 10:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"I just wrote letters.' 冇人會咁講架!

just= 剛剛; 講:剛剛寫完信 (just finished writing) 就有 !

The facts:
1. You started writing letters at 9:00 a.m. ("letters" - 假設你寫多個一封信)
2. You finished writing at 11:30 a.m.
3. You spent 2 and a half hours in writing letters.

At 11:45 a.m., you would propably say:
1. I have just finished writing the letters.
2. I finished writing the letters 15 minutes ago.
3. I finished the letters just now.
4. I had been writing letters for two and a half hours before I finished.
5. I had been writing letters until 11:30 p.m.

What were you doing just now?
I was just writing letters. (just= 剛剛 recently)

What have you done all this morning?
Not much! I just wrote some letters. (just = 只是 only)

2014-08-17 14:34:38 補充:
改錯 : 早上 (a.m.) 先對
5. I had been writing letters until 11:30 a.m.
2014-08-19 5:24 am
I have written some letters
I have written letters for two and a half hour .
I have written letters for two and a half hour since 9am
I have been writing letter from 9am to 11:30am
I have finished writing letters.
2014-08-18 2:05 am
The perfect (or present perfect ) tense indicates past time continuing to the present. It is formed by adding the past participle to have or has=have written or has written:
eg:-At 11:45 am,you will probably say:-
(5)I have just finished writing letters at 11:30 am (not 11:45 am Or pm).
(1)I have just finished writing letters.
Note:-The present tense may be used for future times:-
eg:-I write letters tomorrow.

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