Why do people keep using every event of life to push there religion?

2014-08-16 9:21 pm
Through my day I heard some lady ranting about how Jesus should be brought back into all schools regardless of what people think. I at some point asked why. She blew up saying "because I am tired of all these non Christians committing crime and hurting people."

I stated to her that not everyone is Christian, everyone doesn't want to be Christian, and just because your Christian doesn't mean your perfect.

I know plenty of people in my time that are hard core Christians, and one of them is in jail for like the 4th time, and cannot even function in life without being nearly dead drunk. I know a few other people that go to the Christian church in town, and they do illegal drugs all the time in the parking lot.

My point is, religions are beliefs, they are not facts of life and they have never once become close to being proven at all. I am not disrespecting anyone's religion. I have plenty of friends that come from all different religions and function together all the time. Believe what ever you want to believe that's fine with me.

Now back to the women, after I explained all this to her, I then told her "the reason you can't put religion in public schools is because there are different religions and you can't make someone follow your beliefs just because that is what you want. That would be pushing your religion onto someone else. Stop using world events to push your religion onto other people. And it just went downhill from there and I just left.

I know not all Christians are like this, but it does seem like every pushy religious person I run into happens to be Christian nearly every time. It is something I can ignore but at the same time it's very annoying when someone thinks everything should run according to their beliefs. I have different beliefs then most people and I don't go around forcing it down anyone's throat. If someone asks I will tell them about it but I am not going to say its right or wrong. Its just what I believe in.

回答 (10)

2014-08-16 9:29 pm
I think Logical Fallacies should be a mandatory daily teaching in school, so we don't have dumb people making dumb arguments anymore.
2014-08-16 9:26 pm
Because they believe with all their might that this is truth. They think that when us atheists die we will burn in hell and they wish to sway us into going into heaven. I mean, even the story about Santa Claus is more believable than that. They feel like it is their job to ensure everyone in the world believes for some weird reason. I am not sure why it matters so much.

Again, not ALL Christians, some do this.
2014-08-16 10:07 pm
Because a story has to be told repeatedly in order to become believable and to inculcate or brainwash the listener!!!
2014-08-16 9:38 pm
Religious people are injured people.... and they try desperately to deal with the lies and misery that religion has brought to them. They preach it because if they could ONLY get you to believe it too, then it makes their "belief" OK.
2014-08-16 9:23 pm
From a point of view you say religion is a form of imperialism. Followers bring in money to fill the pockets of those in high positions of power while those who reject your teachings were at one point hunted down and executed for rebellious nature.
2014-08-16 9:29 pm
1. you haven't met any islamists then, they're worse
2. and yes, religious people pretend that everything proves their religion is right. It's like a disease that affects their ability to think logically
2014-08-16 9:27 pm
Somebody call the WAAAAH Mbulance

Jesus is the only answer to the question
2014-08-16 10:06 pm
their, not there. Get it right. I am in complete agreement with your post.
2014-08-16 9:27 pm
You must always have a reason to reject that your experience is random. Even if you live in a major metropolitan area, political cranks are likely to be at least nominally Christian with high frequency. Can you tell a Christian gun-nut from a non-Christian one, for example.
2014-08-16 9:48 pm
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Everyone needs Him. He is our everything.

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