What happens if I pay my driving ticket a few days late?

2014-08-16 2:33 pm

I was in a car accident last month because my breaks failed. Thankfully the people behind me testified as seeing the break light come up on time and I was going on speed limit. I am unable to pay for this ticket as I am an unemployed college student. I did have a job. I worked at Dish Network at another city but because of loosing my car I was unable to continue work. I have to pay by the 27th but I cant make the full amount till the 1st. What will happen? What should I do? This happened in TX.

回答 (3)

2014-08-16 5:08 pm
Communicate with the court in question for payment arrangements. Failing to do this will get you a warrant for arrest and more fines/penalties.
2014-08-16 4:30 pm
There should a contact for the collector or the court clerk- call them and ask how you might set up a payment schedule. You don't want to be late and just not say anything- they may allow this, or you may need to find a place you can get a loan for a few days - or you perhaps could offer neighbors or relatives to do some extra odd jobs right away, in order to drum up the money.

You were lucky this went your way, and all you got was a fine. It's up to you now to actually pay it- or at least ask how they might allow you to pay it off in parts. Don't ignore and just be late, or you will have a black mark on your record and a fine- and then you'll be farther behind. FIND a way to make some extra bucks, fast. Everyone has stuff that requires heavy lifting - ask around!
2014-08-16 2:35 pm
You get a fine for late payment.

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