F.1升F.2數學暑期作業 急!!!!!😌😓

2014-08-17 1:30 am
Improve each of the following estimation:

Construct ����ABC such that AB=5cm, BC=6cm, AC=5cm.
Construct the perpendicular bisector of BC such that it meets BC at D.
Does the perpendicular bisector constructed in (b) pass through A?

Leo uses a ruler on which the distane between 2 successive markings is 5mm to measure the sides of a rectangle and here are the results:
Length=4.5 cm, Width =6.5cm
If he uses the measured lengths to calculate the are of the rectangle, find the
accumulated error in the result obtained.

回答 (2)

2014-08-19 1:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
1a) 唔明(~) 補充
b) 唔明(~) 補充

2a) 畫條bc先 再用圓規係2點畫5cm既圓 再將果點拉去b同c
b)畫條線同bc成90度 bd=cd
c)yes (ad=4cm)

3) upper length=4.5+0.25=4.75cm
lower length=4.5-0.25=4.25cm

upper width=6.5+0.25=6.75cm
lower width=6.5-0.25=6.25cm

Therefore, the area range is 4.25 X 6.25 (CM^2) <actual area < 4.75 X 6.75 (CM^2)
= 26.5625 cm^2 < actual area < 32.0625 cm^2

2014-08-18 17:11:35 補充:
1a) 40972/6~36000/6=6000 --> 40972/6~40800/6=6800
b) 624x4~600x4=2400 --> 624x4~620x4=2480
參考: , mememe
2014-08-17 7:06 am
(a) 40972/6~36000/6=6000
用 36000 近似 40972 不太恰當,
因為 42000 比 36000 更加接近 40972,
40972 - 36000 = 4972
42000 - 40972 = 1028

2014-08-16 23:07:54 補充:
(b) 624x4~600x4=2400
620 比較恰當

2014-08-16 23:09:27 補充:
考慮 三角形ABC 是等腰三角形,
AB 和 AC 是等腰

2014-08-16 23:10:38 補充:

不要只抄襲別人答案, 也要認真學習當中知識!

2014-08-16 23:12:29 補充:
希望不要刪本知識, 等後人可以參考!

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