if a woman spoke in a Forrest and no man was there to hear it... would he still be wrong?

2014-08-15 9:47 pm

回答 (9)

2014-08-15 9:51 pm
As park ranger working for the Florida Forest Service, I am greatly offended by you misspelling "forest".
參考: 1
2014-08-15 9:48 pm
Run Forrest run!
2014-08-15 10:20 pm
Wow! Now that's deep man. It's like the butterfly effect or some ****, man. Like if a man raises a finger in Hong Kong will a woman claim rape in L.A. and will ashton kutcher get back with demi moore? That's heavy man. It's like some deep philosophical metaphysics ****.
2014-08-15 9:50 pm
Uh... I think you got this old joke mixed up a little.
2014-08-15 9:50 pm
Why would a woman be speaking into Forrest Gump's butt? But if she did, yeas, that would be wrong.

Now if a woman spoke in a forest.....and a woman was there (you said "no man") then in all likelihood she would end up in a cat fight with the other woman.

Still don't see the "he" in your fact pattern.....unless it was Forrest Gump.
2014-08-15 11:30 pm
If a man asks a question which makes no sense, is he an idiot?
2014-08-15 9:56 pm
If he really was wrong he would still be so. Men aren't always wrong but they are hardly always right either

Also if a tree falls in the woods it always makes a sound. The world exists wether we experience it or not.
2014-08-15 11:46 pm
if you can manage to remind that to feminists, then yes.
2014-08-15 10:27 pm
if he was wrong, yes he would be
if he was right, no he wouldn't

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