What is something that is on your face besides the obvious - eyes, nose, mouth etc.?

2014-08-15 9:31 pm

回答 (36)

2014-08-15 11:34 pm
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Dimples :)
2014-08-15 9:33 pm
2014-08-16 2:12 pm
Chocolate butter-scotch Ice-cream... which I am eating now ...!!! ^___^ Yummmm...!!!
2014-08-15 9:34 pm
2014-08-16 11:15 pm
really big dimples and a scar from when an old lady elbowed me on the bus for a seat in the 5th grade
2014-08-16 12:29 pm
Glasses and a few freckles
2014-08-16 9:32 am
2014-08-16 5:00 am
Well, if only a part of the face is obvious, then you should go to the doctor because you might be blind
2014-08-16 4:48 am
Right now, glasses! and makeup. and a scar next to my eye haha
2014-08-16 12:55 am
small birth mark on my right cheek , and i have a tan line in the middle of my forehead between my eyebrows my when i am thinking to hard to trying to see something far i make i guess a "***** " face or so i have been told :/ but i am not or at least i hope i am not LOL
2014-08-15 9:42 pm
A beard, there's a lot more hair on my face than on top of my head.

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