
2014-08-15 7:11 pm

不好意思, 在退款前,我們公司必定要收回全整產品才處理退款, 這是我們公司的政策. 我們也保證收到客人全整的產品後, 馬上處理申請退款的. 請放心

回答 (4)

2014-08-15 7:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sorry, before refund our entire product must be recovered before the whole process a refund, it is our company policy, we also ensure the guests after receiving the full entire product, immediately refund the processing of applications, please be assured
參考: 我
2014-08-16 1:09 am
We were sorry to told you that under our company policies,
the products must be returned before refund was processed.
We were guaranteed to process the refund immediately
if we had received the product you concerned of.
Please feel free to note that.
參考: 自己翻譯的
2014-08-15 10:50 pm
After embarrassed in front of a refund, we must recover the entire company was handling the entire product refund, it is our company policy, we also ensure that guests receive the whole entire product, immediately refund the processing of applications, please be assured
2014-08-15 9:53 pm
Apologies, our company needs to receive returned item in original condition before a refund can be processed. This is our company's policy, and we can guarantee our customer will receive a full refund, once the returned item is received.
參考: Myself - studied + worked in England for 17 years

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