Arguments about Is society doing enough to prevent youth suicide?

2014-08-15 12:39 am
Need ideas of whether the society is doing enough to prevent youth suicides, could be rebuttals, stats, just evidence~~ Thx

回答 (3)

2014-08-15 3:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Teen Screen® Program is a community-based mental health screening program for young people that accurately identifies youth who are suffering from mental illness or are at risk of suicide. The program's primary objective is to help young people and their parents through the early identification of mental health problems, such as depression. Parents of youth found to be at possible risk are notified and helped with identifying and connecting to local mental health services where they can obtain further evaluation. Most importantly, mental health screening detect youth with depression and other emotional disorders before they fall behind in school and end up in serious trouble, or worst of all end their lives.

Stop a Suicide Today! is a school-based suicide prevention program that has experienced success with a documented reduction in self-reported suicide attempts. Developed by Harvard psychiatrist Douglas Jacobs, MD, Stop a Suicide, Today! teaches people how to recognize the signs of suicide in family members, friends and co-workers, and empowers people to make a difference in the lives of their loved ones. It emphasizes the relationship between suicide and mental illness and the notion that a key step in reducing suicide is to get those in need into mental health treatment.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK or visit their Web site.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline's mission is to provide immediate assistance to individuals in suicidal crisis by connecting them to the nearest available suicide prevention and mental health service provider through a toll-free telephone number: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). It is the only national suicide prevention and intervention telephone resource funded by the Federal Government.
2014-08-15 12:46 am
Society can only do so much. Suicide is a sad effect of depression and other problems people deal with. You can have a teenager on anti depressants, they can have a shrink, supportive friends, and so much more- but it doesn't mean it will stop them from being sad.

Society could put 100% of their time and effort into having the number of suicides go down, but in reality, whether a person commits suicide is up to them, not society.
參考: Knowledge
2014-08-15 1:02 am
(Sorry to be long winded but.....)To be frank no. Not everyone who thinks of suicide is gonna be saved, but when someone is targeted just because they act different society has a long way to go. You may say hey I don't target people, but think of how in a room of 10 people 9 have some of the same interest. That one by themselves will be left out or even ostracized because they dress different, speak different, or express themselves dofferent. In today's world it's all about getting over on the next person and not being the one pushed to the side and outcast. Which can lead someone down a road to depression and possible suicide. Not say the world wasn't always a cold place, but today you can be the black sheep of your family for not verbalizing the same as your cousin and it's sad. It's the truth but sad. People lack compassion and basic human respect today if you ask me b

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