Favourite Joke or riddle?

2014-08-14 2:49 pm
Joke: A dyslexic man walks into a bra.

Riddle: A couple's car is broken into. No windows are smashed, and no doors are opened. How was it done?

Answer: It was a convertible.

回答 (4)

2014-08-14 2:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Two rabbits are sitting in a field.
One turns to the other and says: "My, what a wonderful day this is!"
The other turns and says:"AH! A talking a rabbit!"
2014-08-14 4:33 pm
A sandwich walks into a bar The barman says" Out you go we don't serve food in here "
2014-08-14 4:54 pm
Two cows walk into the barn and the second one shuts the door . The first one says to the second one " hay, you raised in a house ?"
2014-08-14 3:12 pm
lol.. hahah joke was funny!

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