
2014-08-14 6:51 pm
I started to receive posters on 3rd January this year. I have received forty posters
so far.


回答 (8)

2014-08-14 7:20 pm
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The present perfect tense should be used for an action just concluded when the resulting state is still present,eg:-
I have started to receive posters on Jan. 3 this year.
(=I have received posters starting on Jan. 3 this year.
Up to now I have received forty posters.
(up to now has the same meaning as so far, lately)
2014-08-24 8:34 am
路過... 撘咀... 我寫就麻麻, 但閱讀多, 都有點理解.

文法上, 好像無咩問題. 但無人會咁講, "started to receive", 廣東話直譯英文. 同埋感覺係有點累贅. 普通英語簡潔為主. 同埋你有日月, 無端端加今年. 既然有定日子, 就連埋年份, 或只用月年.

點解唔直接說 " I have received forty posters since 3rd January".

你同外國人講, 無註明, 人地會假設你今年.

2014-08-23 10:47 pm
I have been receiving posters since 3rd January this year and have obtained forty so far.
參考: myself
2014-08-19 6:50 pm
"I started to receive posters on 3rd January this year. I have received forty posters
so far." 感覺上不應該用past tense, present perfect continuous 好些,因為你是3rd Jan開始收poster吧?如果你只是那天收過,之後再沒有收就用past tense好些。

"started receive"文法不對
要用"started to receive"或"started receiving"

樓上Jenkin的"I have been receiving posters since 3rd January this year. I have received forty posters so far."我覺得這句用得最好。
參考: Myself.
2014-08-15 5:53 pm
There is absolutely no problem with the sentence.

2014-08-15 10:06:51 補充:
I meant "there is absolutely no problem with the sentences".
2014-08-15 1:35 am

2014-08-30 17:13:50 補充:
" I have received forty posters since 3rd January". 沒有表達"I started to receive...on 3rd January this year"(今年1月3日我開始收...)的意思。所以不這樣寫。

2014-08-30 17:22:17 補充:
另"started to receive"不見得祇是粵語講法,"started to (verb)正正是簡潔表達"開始做一些事"的英文寫法。其它例:
I started to share my opinion after reading yours.
I started to search the internet for the correct usage of "start to".
2014-08-14 10:30 pm
I think that this is better : I started receive posters since 3rd January this year and I have received 40 posters.
2014-08-14 7:39 pm
假如你想表達由今年一月起已經一直收到poster...至今收了40幅...而仍預計會繼續會收到的話,第一句便不應該用past tense了(由於明顯收poster這事件亦不是在一月便完結,因此用past tense本身亦不妥的),應該要改寫為:

I have been receiving posters since 3rd January this year. I have received forty posters so far.


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