讀公開大學好定系讀副學士好 ?

2014-08-13 9:48 pm
如題,讀公開大學好定系讀浸大副學士好 ? 是否公開大學不是真正的大學 ? 認受性如何 ? THX

回答 (3)

2014-08-13 10:39 pm
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大學就唔同,讀到一半先黎轉感覺好奇怪,好似唔夠人專咁,而且OU聽講係門檻比較低但係畢業比較難既大學,即係競爭可能會比較大,你讀讀下先黎轉可能比較難同勁人組Team, 咁自然就要同D...你明白啦, 奇奇怪怪既人做Project, 隨時可以激死你。


Sor, 仲有一點,公開大學冇Campus life, 你升到浸大先有機會接觸,話你知機會過左就冇,因為就算你之後讀返大學都只會係Part time半工讀,唔會再全職讀書,所以Campus Life可能一世人得一次,請好好考慮吧!
2014-08-14 1:47 am
1. OUHK is better.

Either programs will allow you to apply through non-JUPAS to a program that you want. However, for the BU program, if you do not get any admission offer at all, you will end up with a Associate's Degree only. But, for the OUHK program, even you do not get anything, you will be still able to complete with a Bachelor's Degree, as soon as you can meet the graduation requirement.

2. It is an actual university.

3. Not that good, based on the current culture. However, this apply to the Associate's Degree program as well.

So bottom line - everything's equal, do you want a Bachelor's or Associate's Degree?

2014-08-13 17:56:14 補充:
In this case, there is a risk (which makes OUHK a better program).

What will happen when you don't have an offer after BU?
2014-08-13 10:50 pm
當然係公開大學 degree 好過 副學士啦.

1. 好多國際公司尤其非本地長大的boss, (我指的不一定是鬼佬, 例如內地boss, )他們根本不太理會你的大學是否出名, 只要你是degree 就OK.// 副學士, 他們根本不知道是什麼, 只會問, 那是大學課程嗎? 你也只能在他們面前答:不是. 他們已經心中有數了.

2. 我公開大學BBA Degree Grad. 一出來就入去了一間國際珠寶公司做shipping. 做了兩年, 就轉了去另一間國際保安工程公司做purchasing. 最近考到政府工.

3. 我個人覺得公開大教學完全冇問題, 出來認受性亦完全冇問題.

PS: 我interview 兩間公司的boss 都唔係香港人, 珠寶公司是個以色列 General Manager // 保安工程公司是兩個分別馬來西亞藉和北京的Operation Manager.

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