Friend's boyfriend is an asshole but if i tell her her boyfriend might hurt me, what to do?

2014-08-12 11:54 am
My friend made a boyfriend recently and she ask me to talk to him and see if he is loyal to her. We all think he is, but once i started talking to him, he started flirting with me and when i'm ask him if he is single, he said he is. Now i know what kind of guy he is, but i don't know if i should tell my friend because the guy is a gangster kind of guy, and i'm scared that my friend will tell him that i was pretending to be a hot girl, and hence put me into trouble and getting bash by him and his friends.

回答 (6)

2014-08-12 12:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Tell your friend about what is worrying you. Also that you don't feel safe with that guy. If next time he harass/flirted with you tell it again to your friend and your friend shouldn't trust him anymore. She deserves to know what is going on.
2014-08-13 4:29 pm
Hello !!! tell your friend what's going on and ask her to make some other excuse to break up with him, not bringing your name.
2014-08-12 9:51 pm
Love is all you need.
2014-08-12 12:54 pm
Why would a guy and his friends jump a girl ?
Just get him bashed instead call me up and I'll bring some dudes
2014-08-12 11:59 am
Wow... of course tell you're friend, I doubt they will jump you for it. Even so the police are always there for you.
2014-08-12 11:58 am
you dont know what kind of guy i am at all

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