Can anyone find a picture of Mat Lucas (Anakin Skywalker)?

2014-08-11 10:54 am
He provided the voice for Anakin in Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) and for the Revenge of the Sith game. He's Hayden Christensen's voice double. By the way, he's Mat Lucas, not Matt Lanter. Matt Lanter also voiced Anakin, but he's not who I'm looking for. I can't find any images or contact information of him online. His name is spelled "Mat", not "Matt". This is his Imdb page: Thank you if you have any information

回答 (3)

2014-08-11 11:05 am
Unfortunately, I doubt anyone can find picture of Mat Lucas because he does not want to be a public person.
If this is so important to you, you can try contacting Star Wars fan club or something.
There are few Mat Lucas profiles on Twitter/Facebook etc. but not one of them is related to real Mat Lucas.
2014-08-11 10:54 am

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