So your camping with friends and confronted by a black bear in the woods?

2014-08-11 10:52 am
lol thanks <3 i would freeze you?

回答 (5)

2014-08-11 10:57 am
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I would try to run away as fast as possible, or go somewhere where the bear can not go.
2014-08-11 10:54 am
I always camp with people who run slower than I do, so this is never a concern for me ;)

If I ever get into a situation where I am not the fastest, I will simply put apples in the backpacks of my friends (LOL)
2014-08-11 11:24 am
I would run away or attenmpt to climb up a tree and stay there.
2014-08-11 11:12 am
1) Hold up *googles what to do when confronted by a black bear in the forest* argh! argh! --- =___= nooo

2) Climbs up a tree *falls on cushy buttoxx* argh! argh! --- nooo

3) Run like haillllllll! ! ! --- And the day is saved, thanks to .. argh! argh! argh!

Ehh, save me, Hero! Save me!
2014-08-11 11:00 am
I would not want to go camping again.

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