
2014-08-11 11:57 pm

回答 (4)

2014-08-12 12:16 am
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to do something regardless of personal safety

The fireman saved that girl regardless of personal safety.

✿ to do something regardless of personal safety
✿ to dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety (idiom);
✿ undaunted by dangers regardless of perils
✿ (be) regardless of (personal) danger;
✿ be daring regardless of personal danger;
✿ defy personal danger;
✿ dash ahead regardless of one's safety;
✿ contend so energetically as to forget one's life;
✿ (so eager for the safety of others as) to forget about one's own

1. Italy blazed into a desperate insurrection .

2. Eliza made her desperate retreat across the river just in the dusk of twilight .

3. I had supposed him long ago in france, with the rest of the heads of that desperate party .

4. " single - minded to the point of recklessness .

5. He ' d follow the eagle up pluto ' s ass

6. General barclay de tolly risked his life everywhere in front of his troops , i can assure you

7. But just at this moment , the real killer appears and washabi is in danger . .
就在此時, wasabi落入真兇的魔爪,杜奮不顧身趕來營救,卻看見讓他驚訝的一幕

8. Zebulun and naphtali were a people that jeoparded their lives unto the death in the high places of the field

9. At the age of twenty , upon hearing a celebrity , i world rush forward , hot - blooded , jumping for joy

10. At this moment sir francis and the guide seized phileas fogg , who , in an instant of mad generosity , was about to rush upon the pyre
參考: 網絡各大字典
2014-08-17 12:09 am
Translate from one language into another:-
To dash ahead regardess of one's personal safety;
Risk with force and spirit to do all one can to rescue
Summon up all one's courage and energy to bravery rescue;
eg:-We should learn from him to dash ahead regardless of his personal safety to save lives.
2014-08-14 2:53 pm
奮不顧身= risk one's neck in danger / risk one's life in danger
She risked her neck/life in danger to save others.
2014-08-12 8:17 pm

e.g. 他奮不顧身地拯救我。
1.He risked everything to rescue me.
2. He rescued me regardless of his personal safety.

e.g. 我們應該學習他那奮不顧身救人的精神。
We should learn from his selfless act of saving lives.
參考: me

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