proofreading! URGENT

2014-08-11 5:57 pm
In the middle of the book cover, there is a boy who seems doing experiments(making invention). Hence, the book cover is really attract me to read this book as I love doing experiments. From the title, I guess the boy is George and I predict that he loves doing experiments as me.
Can you give me some feedback and help me to make the vocabulary more beautiful?

回答 (1)

2014-08-11 7:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In the centre of the book cover, there is a boy who seems to be doing experiments (making an invention). Hence, the book cover [] attracted me to read this book because[as沒有錯的,但是用because作解釋更明確-as用於因果關係時指一般的推論或估計] I love conducting[doing有點中文feel”做實驗”,英語不用do experiment的,會講/寫to conduct an experiment / to carry out an experiment] experiments. From the title, I guess the boy’s name is George and I predict that he loves to experiment[][由於上句已講出”做實驗”,這句不用重寫一樣而可以把重點寫在loves to 一樣叫experiment(verb)-你可查字典多認識有些字同時是名詞但亦可作動詞,便可增加你寫句子時表達同一意思時可以把字寫成動詞句] as I [由於是動詞句,”我”便對應I loves to exp,”我”同樣的不是受體(object),所以不是用”me”,me too = so do I,這句的意思是I DO love to experiment / conduct experiements.].
參考: 只能修改少少你寫的內容,其實你的表達也很清楚...留意寫book report應該用report speech(過去式動詞時態)。

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:45:50
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