Diet routine to lose weight in certain points in my body?

2014-08-10 8:11 pm

Hi, I'm a 13 year old girl, 5'7 and 125 lb. This is considered normal to my doctor and they're is nothing wrong with my weight. However, I'd really want to have a toned stomach and small thighs as this is where my body stores most of the fat. Could you please recommend a diet routine including exercise as well that would particularly aim at these targets? Thanks!

回答 (26)

2014-08-10 8:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
if you really want this you need to listen to me. I am 16 and im a model so I know everything you need to know in order to lose weight in a healthy way. first of all, DO NOT SKIP MEALS!!!! a lot of people do this to think they are losing weight. youre not! when you skip meals, your stomach isn't getting food, when its not getting food, it automatically goes into starvatioin mode, so it eats all the calories and then eventually eats itself. also it slows down your metabolism, metabolism is basically the amount of food your stomach burns. if you have a high metabolism, you don't gain weight that fast and not a lot of it either, if you have a low and slow metabolism, you gain weight so easily! so don't skip meals

im reading this book about going raw. this is where you eat fruits and veggies and such foods that ARE NOT heated above 115 degrees farenheit to be made. so eating like real apples and carrots and broccoli without it coming in a can or container or cooked. eat a lot of that. sweetie I know this is hard, but you need to stay away from junk food, no candy, no ice cream, no chips, no sugar, no extremely fat foods, no beef or hot dogs or sausage or anything. just fruits, and veggies and stuff. you can even juice things. look on google and find juicing recipies they are really good. just be strong
go jogging or even walking for 45 minutes per day. look up a thing called HIIT interval training. it is a good workout an burns 9x more calories than regular exercising. just try to get some cardio in at least 45 minutes everyday and get only 1 rest day in the week where you don't workout at all.
do butterfly stretches and squats for your thighs
this is weird but for ur stomache, have someone punch you in the stomache. this will cause you to flex your stomach muscles. youll get a toned stomach fast.

look... your 13. if you can eat healthy right now, youll only crave healthy things. if you can start exercising everyday, youre gonna really want to. if you can get all this down at 13, youre gonna have a good future. when you turn like 16 or 17 ur friends are gonna b like " omg how do you stay fit and healthy"? and ur gonna tell them and ur gonna feel great.

I had to learn this. when I was younger, my parents told me to eat healthy and stay away from candy and fat stuff and I was like nah im good. so then I got really fat and I hated myself a lot. then I had to tell myself to get it together! so I did all that stuff I listed above and now im in great shape. im a fashion model now. I have shows coming up next year that I can just go to without being insecure. I give adults advice on how to lose weight. you can be the same person if you wanted. being healthy is good, it really is! you have to be strong, don't be weak! do whatever you can!
2017-03-11 3:09 pm
Include at the very least 10 to 15 grams of protein, which suppresses ghrelin, some sort of hormone that stimulates your desire for foods. Include eggs, which are that can control hunger.
2017-03-06 8:56 pm
A lot of the carbs should originate from leafy vegetables
2017-02-05 4:08 am
Enhance your current fat burning capacity together with teas
2016-12-26 3:11 pm
Take time once a few days to plan out and go shopping for meals and snacks so you're prepared whenever hunger strikes.
2016-06-03 9:39 am
Keep weights in the living room in order to do some reps while watching television.
2016-02-26 4:14 pm
Follow the 80/20 rule, which means eating clean 80 percent of times and indulging a little 20 percent of times.
2016-01-13 11:38 am
Consume low calorie food
2014-08-10 10:55 pm
You need cardio to lose weight everywhere so perhaps running or dancing and you need to do abdominal exercises like sit ups to tone your stomach. You can't really target weight loss but you can tone with exercise in some areas like your tummy. Most leg exercises run the risk of making your legs bigger because the muscles growing so just stick to cardio for lessening the bottom half.

If you are female just know that places like the butt and hips and thighs are where women store most of their fat so there's nothing wrong with you if you have bigger thighs, it just means your body is healthy for childbearing (which is why our bodies store fat like that)
2014-08-10 8:18 pm
Eat whole foods, cut out processed foods, drink lots of water. You can't spot reduce. You do cardio and either strength train or do body weight exercise (yoga/pilates etc). You will notice a different even if you keep your diet clean and walk for an hour a day. You're young so your metabolism is working for you. Just pay attention to what you eat and get some movement into your life.

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