tell sb about sth的意思

2014-08-09 11:14 pm
如果我的上司要求我"tell the students about the ABC company", 我要向學生介紹ABC company的甚麼東西?

註 : 語境為英文listening paper

回答 (2)

2014-08-10 12:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果是listening的paper, 題目會有背景資料關於公司的, 例如公司的產品, 公司的運作方法, 公司的聯絡人, ... 等.

當然listening播放的時候, 都會有其他關於公司的資料在內.

- 題目'本身'已有的公司的資料及
- listening播放時的公司的資料

答題時, 如果'抄不切'listening播放的資料, 那唯有答題目內'本身有'的資料.

2014-08-10 12:36 am
If you take my advice on ABC, this is what I would advise on Advertisement:-

When you tell somebody about something in listening test paper,you should try speak a lot and ask students to mark down notes for their answers.
----Tell the students about ABC advertising Co.(ABC)
----ABC is doing the business of encouraging people to buy goods by means of advertisements.
----They may have a campaign outside to society.
----They may make something for sale, services offered; divided rooms to rent;,a house to sell or buy.
----They may put it in a newspaper,Daily News SCMP; on television
May have a very big poster advertising "Cosmetic Angel Water Bottle" hanging in Causeway Bay.
----May be Lawyers and Chinese Medicine man to advertise their services in the shop windows;(It may be illegal if allowed?)
----Lemon Tse, the famous film star, is asking students to join his Advertising Co. for a very high salary.Students can interview him at Sept his office.

--- Teacher to Students:-Now students failed their tests are given E grade;(From A----E grades).Best of wishes.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 16:08:04
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