Who is/was more closely related to Queen Elizabeth II: Queen Victoria (1819 - 1911) or Christian IX of Denmark (1818 - 1906)?

2014-08-08 9:30 pm

回答 (6)

2014-08-09 12:33 am
As Victoria was mother of Edward VII and Christian was father of Queen Alexandra, the queens relationship is the same ie she is their great great granddaughter.
2014-08-09 5:08 am
They are both equally related to HM The Queen. Both are her great-great-grandparents. Queen Victoria was the mother of King Edward VII, whose wife Alexandra was the daughter of King Christian IX.
2014-08-09 3:37 am
All British royals are products of centuries of inbreeding among the royal houses of Europe. This has caused genetic abnormalities like haemophilia. The current Queen's family looks the way they do because of all the inbreeding. Don't forget that the Queen and her husband are cousins (both descended from Victoria and Denmark's Christian IX, as well as other royal persons).
2014-08-09 6:22 pm
The relationship is the same--Victoria and Christian are great-great-grandparents of the current Queen.

Victoria was the mother of Edward VII, who was father of George V, who was father of George VI, who was father of Elizabeth II.

Christian was the father of Queen Alexandra, wife of Edward VII, mother of George V, who was the father of George VI, who was the father of Elizabeth II.
2014-08-08 10:42 pm
Queen victoria died in 1901, they are all related to each other.
2014-08-10 11:33 am
Neither. She is more related to her daughter-in-law Queen Camilla.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:17:35
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