Concentration problem

2014-08-08 7:20 pm
concentration equal to what?
concentration of htfrogen ions equal to pH? molarity is the conc of solutions? or molarity is conc. of hydrogen ions?

回答 (1)

2014-08-08 9:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What is conentration ?

The term "concentration" used alone is meaningless. We always say "concentration of (asolute)".

The concentration of a solute represents the amount of solute dissolved in acertain amount of solvent (usually water) or in a certain amount of solution.The concentration of a solute can be written in many ways, such as
• % in weight : [(weight of solute)/(weight of solution)] x 100%
• % in volume : [(volume of solute)/(volume of solution)] x 100%
• mole fraction : (No. of moles of solute) / (Total number of moles of solute and solvent)
• molarity : (No. of moles of solute) / (volume of solution in dm³)
• molality : (No. of moles of solute) / (Mass of solvent in kg)

In chemistry, molarity (also known as molar concentration) is commonly used. Again,we always say "the concentration of (a solute)" instead of the term "concentration" alone.

Is concentration of hydrogenions equal to pH?

By definition, pH = -log[H⁺]
where [H⁺] is the molarity of hydrogen ion.

Is molarity the concentration of solutions?

"Molarity" is one of the many ways to represent the concentration of asolute in the solution. In chemistry, "molarityof (a solute)" is the commonest way to represent the concentrationof the solute in the solution.

Is molarity theconcentration of hydrogen ions?

"Molarity of hydrogen ions" is one of the many ways to represent the"concentration of hydrogen ions". In chemistry, "molarity of hydrogen ions" is the commonest wayto represent the concentration of hydrogen ions.

Is concentration depend on that one is astrong/weak acid/aliali ?

The concentration of hydrogen/hydroxide ions in the solution of an acid/alkali dependson both
• the concentration of the acid/alkali; and
• the strength of the acid/alkali.
參考: 土扁

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