How to kiss a girl?

2014-08-07 10:47 am
So, I have a really attractive looking girl coming over to my house for 2 hours not as friends and I want to go for the kiss. This is our first 'date' and my mum is home (I am 16) so yeah only kiss.

We will be mainly in my room talking and doing stuff and we are also going for a short walk . I thought the best thing to do would be for both of us to be sitting on my bed, I'd make her laugh then...yeah that's why I'm here.

What can I do or say (no cheesy lines please only good ones) which will help me?

回答 (3)

2014-08-07 10:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Don't aim for the kiss first off. Simply see how she reacts if you hold her hand. Try to sit beside her, not across from her, so you can touch her occasionally. If she touches you back then it's a sign she likes you. If she preens, or pulls her hair, she also likes you. A really good sign is if she feeds you off her plate.

Leave the kiss for the very end, when you're saying goodbye. Then simply go for it and don't be embarrassed.
2014-08-07 11:13 am
Definately try flirting with her first and see how she reacts. If all is going well don't be scared to kiss her. First kisses are never great, I was scared I would do it wrong haha.
Its a very natural thing though and nothing to worry about
Good luck
2014-08-07 10:57 am
stop thinking
sx is no mathe exam

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