
2014-08-07 11:46 am
我睇到summer hw (eng) 的compre果part
1. The tussle over the language of instructions in our schools seems to have left a number of ppl tongue-tied. Why do so many ppl prefer that theor children must be educated in the most desorable language,English?
---what does the word in the above para. mean?

2.All things being equal,it is a useful amd marketable skill.呢句證唔證明到The writer says that people study in Eng mainly for marketing reasons? T/F/NG

3. Surely for the ideal solution,for the vast majority of students ,would be the effective english classes set up in Chinese-medium schools。Chinese medium schools的意思係?甘又代唔代表The writer feels that special schools using both chinese and english would be the best呢?T/F/NG?

4。please explain the meanings of idioms “raking in a hand over fist” and “to have pressure put on me”

5. whats the difference between empathy and sympathy?

6. whats the difference between “bemused with and ”confused by”.look at q1 the sentence beginning with Why,then u can derice the meaning.


回答 (4)

2014-08-07 6:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
An attempt to answer only;
Summer English HW comprehension part given by teacher for English student must be done at home,whether you see it or not.How much HW do you get? You still haven't done your English Home-work !
(1)It means:-Many people would prefer that children must be educated in English language.
(2)T----marketing reason= infinitely preferable to this skill in marketing.
(3)Chinese medium sc= teaching as a Chinese Secondary School.
---Effective English class sc.= set up to apply E/C translation method.
---NG--------Both Chi+ Eng best= some subject being taught in Eng. without ----------E/C translation method(=one of the methods)
(4)idiom phrase=rake over the past= happened in the past already.
----to have pressure= difficulty caused by the problem in E/C teaching method.
(5)empathy=the ablity to understand another person's feelings, expt. etc.
----sympathy= understand&care about somebody's problems, eg:-victims of Eng.Lang.
(6)In the why Q,you can derive the meaning yourself;(repeat, yourself !)
----bemused with= confused and unable to think clearly on this problem.
----confused by=unable to think clearly or understand what happened to make the subject(Eng.subject) more difficult to understand.
2014-08-07 10:40 pm
2014-08-07 8:12 pm
雖然你用英文問,但似乎你話自己英文麻麻,便用中文答你,並提供少少你可以如何學讀英文的理解方法。1. 首先我要估ppl是指people吧,另外theor應是their,desorable應是desirable…你問這句的字(word)怎解,我估你有很多”生字”不懂吧…單字可以查字典…但全句的意思是要用字與字的連繫意思來理解的,就算當中有一些字不明白也未必要視為障礙的。例如當我看這句時:我也不識tussle,ppl這些字(我也要上網查究字義),甚至可能不明tongue tied,但最少你應該會識language和education這幾個字,另外一定識English吧。The tussle over the language of instructions in our schools seems to have left a number of ppl tongue-tied. 我們的學校(our schools)在教學語言(language of instruction)的反覆爭議(tussle)似乎(seems)令(left)很多人(a number of ppl)無言以對(tongue-tied).Why do so many ppl prefer that theor children must be educated in the most desorable language,English?為何那麼多人(why do so many ppl)選擇要求(prefer that)他們的子女(their children)一定要(must)以英文(English)作為(be)那最想要的語言(the most desirable language)來教育(educated)他們。從上理解你會發覺英文句表達的結構跟中文有很多次序(編排意思前後關係)上的分別。只能多看和用意會來明白一個概略的意思,再能多留意後才能看明的。2. 假如條問題原文係Does the writer says that people study in Eng mainly for marketing reasons?我的答案是False (我唔知NG代表甚麼?) marketing係一個專業字,指推廣或市場學,但是All things being equal,it is a useful amd marketable skill.這句的意思是指:假設所有因素相同,it(我估是指英文/英語)是一項有用/實用(useful)和適合現實需要/可以作為討價還價條件(marketable)的技能(skill)。因此句子指出it(英語)是「好使好用並且在現實功能上令有這技能的人更受重用」的意思,並不是指人們學英語是為了推銷/銷售/推廣,就算借用marketing意思為自我推銷作者亦沒有這種意思吧,因為句子不是講學英語的人的動機,而只是講實用主義上的果效。3. Chinese medium schools = 中(國)語(文)作為主要語言的學校(或學校當中的人都以中文溝通的)。medium是媒介或媒體,chinese這裏是指中文這語言。The writer feels that special schools using both chinese and english would be the best呢?問題中指明special schools…Chinese and English…best似乎不是作者的意思。內容指出在中國人(用中文語言溝通的)學校裏最理想是設立有用的英文堂,所以意思第一不是要求有一些特別的學校,而是所有中文人的學校最理想是有專門的英文堂在這種學校裏。4. raking in a hand over fist” and “to have pressure put on me”“hand over fist” = quickly and continuously短時間內和不斷地…rake是名詞,不知raking是否串錯/用錯還是日常語用作「裝設」某東西/設置。全句意思:在短時間內製作完成。“to have pressure put on me”= 向我施壓。5. empathy = 同理心=理解對方的苦衷and sympathy = 同情心 = 可憐和安慰對方的不幸6. “bemused with” = 蒙污/受抺黑and “confused by” = 被..所擾亂/被弄糊塗了
參考: Self
2014-08-07 4:05 pm

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