
2014-08-07 3:23 am
究竟係She is sitting on the table.定係She is sitting at the table.啱??????

回答 (7)

2014-08-07 4:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
preposition on/at

Both "She is sitting on the table. " and "She is sitting at the table." are correct, but their meanings are different.

Examples of sitting on the table:




She is sitting on the table.

Examples of sitting at the table:



He is sitting at the table.

2014-08-08 8:55 am
回答者:意I思A ( 知識長 ) is highly commendable.

A picture is worth a thousand words.
Thank you.
2014-08-08 12:16 am
Preposition on/at:
on:-on the table:-The management has put a price tack offered on the table , so it's up to the customers to decide her dancing tango .
She is sitting on the table.

at:-at table:-It's bad & irritating to blow your whistle at table.
2014-08-07 11:31 pm
If it is sitting on the table, the person should 坐起張枱到。
If is sitting at the table, the person should sitting in front of the table.
2014-08-07 4:05 am
Ling +1

2014-08-07 3:33 am
She is sitting on the table or She is sitting at the table ?

Q : She is sitting on the table.
2014-08-07 3:30 am
She is sitting on the table - 坐在枱上面 ???
She is sitting at the table - 已經坐好 - ok

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