what cause scabies in a dog?

2014-08-05 5:14 pm

回答 (5)

2014-08-05 5:34 pm
Actually referred to as mange in dogs is caused by the sarcoptic mite. It burrows under the skin and causes extreme itching, hair loss, scabs, and crusting skin. It can lead to other health issues as well.
2014-08-05 5:33 pm
The same mite that causes it in humans.
2014-08-05 5:28 pm
An infestation with sarcoptic mange mites.
2016-03-10 10:06 am
Yes, starvation causes muscle loss as your body breaks down the muscle to use as fuel. Maybe you should take your son to see a therapist who specialises in eating disorders and distorted body image if you are very worried. Good luck x
2014-08-05 5:37 pm

That should help answer your question.

All dog carry the mange mite but it only flares up when the immune system is weak. You will need to work on the immune system & specials shampoos & dips to kill of the mange mite.

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