關於計pH log嗰度

2014-08-05 1:45 pm

log10 㩒機係咪log(shift log)?

回答 (1)

2014-08-05 4:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
數學上,《log10》(以 10 為底的 log) 可用《log》表示。

因此,按計算機時,計算 log10 (0.100) 時,只需按 《log》然後按《0.100》便可。
計算機給出的答案是 -1。
pH = - log10 (0.100) = - (-1) = 1

pH = -log10 (0.100) = -log10 (10)⁻¹ = - (-1) log10 (10) = 1

Calculate the pH of a sample of milk whose concentration of H⁺ ions is 2.51 x 10⁻⁷mol dm⁻³.

The pH of the milk
= -log (2.51 x 10⁻⁷)
= 6.6

If concentration of H⁺ ions increases, the pH decreases.
If concentration of H⁺ ions decreases, the pH increases.
If pH increases, the concentration of H⁺ ions decreases.
If pH decreases, the concentration of H⁺ ions increases.
參考: 土扁

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