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Hygroscopicsubstances 是指「可吸濕的物質」,是能夠從空氣中吸收水蒸氣的物質。有些 hygroscopic substances 是 deliquescent substances,有些不是。
有些 hygroscopic substances (例如 sodium hydroxide),會溶於所吸收的水中,形成 aqueous solution。這些hygroscopic substances 亦可稱為 deliquescent substances (可潮解的物質)。但 hygroscopic substances 中不是deliquescent substances 的 (例如 anhydrous calcium chloride),便不會溶於所吸收的水中。
無論是否 hygroscopic substances,一般 hydroscopic substances 可作 drying agents (乾燥劑)。
"Notice that a drying agent should not react withthe material being dried. For example, we don't use anhydrous CaCl2and conc. H2SO4 to dry NH3 (NOT NH3+) because ammonia reacts with both of them. Wecan use CaO to dry NH3."
以上一段的意思是:與要 dried 的material 有 reaction 的 substance,不可用作這 material 的 drying agent。例如,不能用 anhydrousCaCl2 和 conc. H2SO4 去 dry NH3,因為 ammonia 與它們都有 reaction。我們可用CaO 去 dry NH3。
Anhydrous CaCl2 should NOT be used as the drying agent of ammonia,because anhydrous CaCl2 reacts with ammonia gas,產生一個 complex,因而吸收了ammonia gas。
CaCl2 + xNH3 →[Ca(NH3)x]Cl2
Concentrated H2SO4 should NOT be used as the drying agentof ammonia, because concentrated H2SO4 reacts withammonia gas,產生一個 salt,因而吸收了 ammonia gas。
H2SO4 + NH3 → (NH4)HSO4
Can acid conduct electricity?
Pure acid CANNOT conduct electricity. The aqueous solution of acid can conduct electricity.
Does conc. HClhave properties of a typical acid?
Yes, conc. HCl has properties of a typical acid. Such properties includes :
• Having a sour taste.
• Change the colour of indicators (e.g. change bluelitmus to red).
• React with metal (more reactive than copper) to give hydrogen gas.
• React with metal carbonates or metal hydrogencarbonates to give carbon dioxidegas.
• Neutralize with metal oxides and metal hydroxides.
Besides, conc. HCl is a weak reducing agent, but NOT an oxidizing agent.
2014-08-05 14:19:34 補充:
2014-08-05 14:20:38 補充:
• acids 是 molecular compounds,可在 aqueous solution 中 dissociate to give hydrogen ions。常見例子有:HCl、HNO3、H2SO4、CH3COOH。
• acidic properties,其實就是 aqueous hydrogen ions 的 properties。因此,acids 的水溶液可導電,但 acids 的 (molten) liquid 不可導電,因為是 molecular。
2014-08-05 14:25:56 補充:
• base 是可與 acid 產生 neutralization 的物質。常見的 base 有 metal oxides, metal hydroxides 和 NH3 三種。neutralization 的例子:
CuO(s) + H2SO4(aq) → CuSO4(aq) + H2O(l)
NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) → NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)
NH3(aq) + HNO3(aq) → NH4NO3(aq)
2014-08-05 14:27:20 補充:
• 除了 ammonia 是 molecular 外,其餘常見的 bases 都是 ionic substances,它們的 molten liquids 和 aqueous solutions 都可導電。但因為 ammonia 是 molecular,它的 aqueous solution 可導電,但 liquid 不可導電。
• 若一個 base 可溶於水,而在水中產生 hydroxides ions 是唯一的 anions,這個 base 亦稱為 alkali。常見的 alkalis 有 NaOH, KOH, Ca(OH)2 and NH3。
2014-08-05 14:28:48 補充:
• 既不屬於 acids 又不屬於 bases 的 substances,則稱為 neutral substances。
• If a drying agent 同時又係一個 acid,則稱為 acidic drying agent。例子有:conc. H2SO4、P4O¬10 等。
2014-08-05 14:29:02 補充:
• If a drying agent 同時又係一個 base,則稱為 basic drying agent。例子有:CaO、NaOH、soda lime 等。
• If a drying agent 同時又係 neutral,則稱為 neutral drying agent。例子有:anhydrous CaCl2、silica gel 等。
2014-08-06 00:19:07 補充:
anhydrous calcium chloride 可以用來 dry 除了 NH3 以外所有中學常見的氣體。