one math problem: percentages

2014-08-04 3:20 am
Daniel sells some jackets with a marked price of $200 each.
(a) Without any discount, it is known that each jacket is sold at a profit of 60%. Find the cost of each jacket.

Ans. $125 (i can do this)

(b) If Daniel sells the jackets at 40 % off, find the percentage profit/loss of selling each jacket.

Ans. 4% loss (I can do this also)

(c) After offering a discount, the jackets are still sold at a profit of 28%. Find the percentage disount offered.

Ans. 20 % (I don't know how to calculate this part C)

回答 (3)

2014-08-04 6:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
(a) Let the cost is x

(200 - x)/x = 60%

1.6x = 200

x = 125

(b) 200 * 60% = 120

So, the percentage loss is (120 - 125)/125 = -4%

(c) Let the new price is x

(x - 125)/125 = 0.28

x = 160

So, the discount is 1 - 160/200 = 20%
2014-08-04 6:43 am
Thx a lot !
2014-08-04 5:24 am
cost = 125

selling price(at a profit of 28%) = 125X(1.28) = 160

discount = [(200 - 160)/200]X100% = 20%

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 20:39:38
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