27歲想轉行 有興趣教幼稚園/幼兒教育..點先可以做?

2014-08-04 1:26 am
今年已27歲, 因為而家做緊既航空行業..要日夜顛倒...長遠就唔OK.
所以想拿拿0林轉行及 轉工..
但我會考只得 3 分. 中英文都唔合格
之後只讀過旅遊既CERT .

我個人係有耐心,喜歡小朋友. 亦覺得教幼稚園工作時間比較穩定.長遠應該亦OK.


幼稚園又有冇D 文職/ASSIATANT 做住GA? 想可以再可以邊入左行先再邊讀多D..因為已經27, 唔想再浪費時間同金錢入錯行..


回答 (3)

2014-08-14 12:44 am
如果係幼稚園教師, 要讀幼兒教育, 我記得一定中文合格至收.

幼園文職, 人工唔係好高....
2014-08-08 6:37 am
Regarding your problem, I have several suggestions
- Any qualification beyond DSE do you possess ? What make you determine to be working with little kids ? Is it pretty firmed or just finding an alternative to your existing job ?
- Are you satisfied with working as a assistant / teacher in a kindergarten for a long time ?

If you haven't made up your mind about which type of job you want to devote yourself to, try to assess seriously what you possess.

It is good that you are prepared to obtain some qualification through study. For you as a working lady, part time study is better. First of all, language (english) is one of the upcoming challenges for you. Be prepared for it as it is not going to be easy !

Drop me a line if you want. [email protected]
2014-08-04 2:12 am
Kindergarten teachers generally need at least a bachelor's degree in order to qualify to teach in a public school. Early childhood education programs cover the various styles and techniques, such as play and interactive activities, used to teach young children. These programs provide students with an understanding of how to develop a child's ability to learn as well as methods for delivering education plans. And need patience and understanding in their daily jobs. Additionally, they'll need to understand how to select developmentally appropriate materials and equipment and work cooperatively with parents to develop education plans. They must know how to use assessment tools, enforce rules and communicate effectively with young children. Kindergarten teachers might also need to know how to use and incorporate technology into the classroom.

Many schools offer majors in early childhood education, though students can also choose to enroll in a supplementary certificate program that includes teacher training, especially if their bachelor's degree is in another field. Teacher training programs include teaching practicums under the guidance of professionals, allowing students to learn and interact with children in real-life teaching environments.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 16:07:01
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